Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do
- The Meaning Of Tae Kwon Do
- Tenets Of Tae Kwon Do
- Ideal Student Attributes
- Student Oath
- Personal Hygiene
- Rules and Regulations
- Children’s Home Rules
The Meaning Of Tae Kwon Do
Tae Kwon Do is the ancient Korean art of unarmed combat passed down for many centuries from Masters to their devoted students. Tae Means to smash or kick with the foot. Kwon means to punch or attach with the hand. Do means art or way. Literally translated Tae Kwon Do means the art of hand and foot fighting.
Tenets Of Tae Kwon Do
- Courtesy
- Treat others with respect.
- Do unto others as you wish to be done upon.
- Integrity
- Always be honest.
- Always do the right thing.
- (Even when nobody is watching.)
- Perseverance
- Overcome life’s obstacles.
- Work through tough challenges.
- Self-control
- You are responsible for your own thoughts, words and actions.
- Choose them wisely.
- Indomitable Spirit
- You do not fail to reach your goal until you choose to quit.
- Do not allow other individuals or circumstances to mentally or emotionally
defeat you.
“The purpose of Tae Kwon Do is not in the defeat of one’s opponent(s), but in the perfection of the character and abilities of each student!”
Ideal Student Attributes
- Loyalty to the school and instructor.
- Good martial art attitude.
- Student harmony.
- Good attendance.
- Clean technique.
Student Oath
I Shall Observe the Tenets of Tae Kwon Do.
I Shall Respect the Instructor and Seniors.
I Shall Never Misuse Tae Kwon Do.
I Shall be a Champion of Justice and Freedom.
I Shall Build a more Peaceful World.
Personal Hygiene
It is very important that each student pays close attention to their personal hygiene for the safety of the entire class. Long finger and toe nails can inflict cuts and scrapes on other students. Obviously, feet should be clean when entering the Do-Jang (training hall). Students who perspire excessively should bring a towel and periodically wipe their practice area clean of sweat.
- At no time will any Je-Ja (student) enter the Do-Jang with shoes on.
- Je-Jas who enter or leave the Do-Jang will acknowledge with a bow.
- Je-Jas late tor class will ask permission of the Master to enter class. Late students may not join class until they have received permission.
- Never question (contradict) the word of your instructor or Master. If you disagree, you may wait and ask questions regarding the issue in private.
- No jewelry or chewing gum will be allowed in class.
- Talk on the floor only when asking a question of the Master.
- During the class period, there will be no talking or laughter.
- No profanity will be allowed in the Do-Jang.
- No Je-Jas are permitted to smoke, eat, or imbibe (alcohol) in the Do-Jang. Drinking water or sports drinks is permitted during breaks but never on the mat.
- The Master instructor will be addressed as Sa-Bum-Nim.
- When entering the office, knock and wait tor the Sa-Bum-Nim to acknowledge you. When he motions to enter, Kyung-Yet (bow) before entering.
- Never smoke in the presence of the Sa-Bum-Nim.
- Black belt holders will be addressed as Yu-Dan-Ja.
- Whenever the Sa-Bum-Nim is holding class, wait for a break before asking questions unless it is urgent.
- Show respect and love between senior and junior ranks.
- You will conduct yourself inside and outside of class as a lady or gentleman and a true Tae Kwon Do representative at all times.
- Tae Kwon Do, or any other form of self-defense, will be used ONLY as a means of self-defense: to protect yourself, your family, and those who cannot defend themselves.
- Failure to comply with the above can result in:
- Period of probation.
- Loss of one level grade (rank).
- Loss of grade (rank) and suspension from tournament activities
- Other forms of disciplinary action
Children’s Home Rules
- Children shall greet their parents when they enter the house and say’ goodbye when they leave.
- Children will always be respectful to their parents and grandparents.
- Children shall always be truthful.
- Children shall strive for a good relationship with their brothers and sisters.
- Children shall willingly help with the household chores.
- Children shall report to their parents when they have completed assigned tasks.
- Children shall be responsible for the upkeep and neatness of their own rooms.
- Children will practice daily cleanliness in the matters of hair, teeth, and body.
- Children shall abide by their parents decisions.
- Children shall not interrupt adult conversations.
- Children shall refrain from rowdy behavior at home.
- Children shall possess an active mind, body and spirit.
- Children will diligently study their school work at home and at school.
- Children will at all times show respect for their school, teachers and their peers.
- Children shall always finish what they have already started.